Can you hear the Rebel Yell?
The timeless battle cry of freedom
Screamed by saints entering martyrdom,
As they stormed the gates of hell.
Can you hear it echo from long ago?
When oppressed peoples fought
For the freedom never cheaply bought,
Against the age old curse from below.
Why do some feel they are superior?
When we all travel the same road
And suffer from much the same load.
Could God create any that are inferior?
As long as man has existed,
The conflict has raged without cease.
Instead of living as brothers in peace,
The desire of a few to rule all has persisted.
Against this selfish blind ambition,
Men have fought behind the same sound
As they sought to reach the higher ground.
To create for one and all an equal nation.
When freedom reigns you hear it less.
But it never goes away altogether,
Because man is cursed by the nether
And the yell returns to counter any regress.
Tyrannical rulers fear and hate the sound
Calling the orators rebels and traitors
When it is they that are the haters,
Of freedom and liberty in great abound.
In America the yell once led the way,
For our great patriots of renown
From Bunker Hill to Yorktown.
As they won freedom in their own day.
Since then it has still oft been heard
As new patriots have risen to fight,
Despite the promise of words bright.
As tyrants twist the meaning of the word.
Can you hear the Rebel Yell?
Because it is growing once again.
As God cleanses our nation from sin.
You will hear the Rebel Yell!!!
11-18-06             By Ben D. Kennedy